Advanced I Animal Communication: The Deepening

The advanced class is designed to deepen your connection to the animals. It is for those who have practiced telepathic communication with animals after the Basic Course and want more knowledge, experience, direction, and inspiration to broaden and deepen their experience. This class will help you to relax, connect deeply, bring to light and shed misconceptions that inhibit communion with our fellow beings. 

Explore your spiritual communion with all the kingdoms of nature and communication with animals, plants, minerals, the elements, and the Earth. Intensify your awareness of the intelligence, beauty, and wisdom of all species. This class will include ancestral ways of honoring spirit in all life, including drumming, chanting, dancing, and journeying for power animal guidance, amplifying our kinship with the whole web of life.

The prerequisites for taking the advanced class are completion of the basic class and reading Penelope Smith's book When Animals Speak.  

Fee: $440 per person. $175 for repeat students.