Welcome to the November Newsletter

On The Farm

We just had our first big snow, about two inches. Beautiful. The rainbow appeared after a shower of sleet, followed by the snow. K’i, our youngest horse, always used to act like it was the first time she had ever seen snow, when the barn door was pulled open to reveal the white stuff. I loved the look of wonder on her face.

Stitch eats the snow as he runs to retrieve his ball. What a clown! He will be a year and a half old in December, and is still such a puppy! He gives us so much joy with his antics. 

We find ourselves in gratitude every day that we are able to live on the farm, that we have food in our tummies and a roof over our heads—although there is a woodpecker who has decided that the columns on the porch are delicious. At this time of year, we remember that not everyone is as fortunate. It is a time when I make donations to those animal causes that touch us the closest. 

Also, I help to support Kusi Kawsay, a Rudolph Steiner inspired K-8 native school in Peru, where future Quechua leaders are being taught very well. The school just won an award as one of three 2021 laureates for the UNESCO-Japan Prize in Education for Sustainable Development. Their fundraiser begins this month and can be accessed at https://gofund.me/d0bdfd4a. Their website, KusiKawsay.org, has details about the school’s mission, history, process and projects. The fund’s new director is Christina Wood, who can be reached at cwood116@hotmail.com. The fund is a 501C3, so all donations are tax deductible. Thank you for your support!

Holiday Sale at FES

Once a year, the Flower Essence Society has their holiday sale, with up to 25% off of their wonderful essences. NOW is the time to stock up for your animals and yourself with your favorite remedies, get gift packages like ANIMATES or something personal for friends and family, or try something new that appeals to you. Descriptions and articles about the essences are so interesting and will help you decide on an appropriate remedy. They have an entire line of spiritual support essences for these trying times. https://fesflowers.com. The sale runs through December 19, 2021.

New Shamanic Class Cycle Begins

If approaching life from a spiritual perspective resonates with you, come join me as I begin teaching a new cycle of shamanic classes. Shamanism is not a religion or belief. Practiced for thousands of years within every world culture, it is a way of life that is based in nature and brings one closer to natural cycles and ways of living on this planet. The class cycle goes for a little over a year and most classes, except the advanced ones, are taught via ZOOM, so no matter where you live, you can access the information. Frequency is about one class every month or every other month, ranging from one day to 5-day retreats.

I’ve been practicing shamanism for about 10 years, and am an approved instructor for Sandra Ingerman, who is a renowned shamanic teacher worldwide. I like her practical, down-to-earth approach to a beautiful practice. I have also studied with a number of other teachers, mentors, and organizations. In the past year, I have combined animal communication with shamanic healing and communication for some dynamite hybrid classes.

I will begin the year with Basic Journeying:The Art of Shamanism for Practical and Visionary Purposes in Daily Life. It is a two-day online class that will introduce you to shamanism and journeying, which is a kind of active meditation. For more information and/or to register, go to the website, https://JudyRamsey.net. Come join the fun!

The Bookshelf

Orion magazine is known for its nature-based articles, poems, stories, and literature that brings people closer to the natural world around them. Some time ago, they sponsored an interview with Robin Wall Kimmerer, Robert McFarlane, and Michael Pollan that introduced an anthology of writings from the magazine about trees, OLD GROWTH.

I have to tell you, this is a gem. It’s one of those books where you just savor every word and treasure the time you spend reading it. What a treat! You can find the book, their beautiful blog, and a subscription to the ad-free magazine at orionmagazine.org.

Honoring Ancestors

See my video on how to set up an altar to honor your ancestors as a spiritual practice.

Upcoming classes

The full year’s schedule will be on the website calendar by the end of November or first week of December. Journey Circle will be held the first and third Thursday of each month through the end of 2021. If you know how to journey, please join us! If you don’t, I’m teaching basic journeying the second weekend in January. Come see what it’s all about!

You can register for any event through the website, https://JudyRamsey.net.

All classes are online via ZOOM unless otherwise stated.

I’ll be introducing some new classes for Spiritual Protection and Ancestral Power in Our Lives during the first quarter of 2022. Stay tuned for more adventures!


Journeying Circle

January 6 & 20, 7pm-8:30pm

Basic Shamanic Journeying

January 8 & 9, 9am-3pm

Creating Sacred Protected Space: Shamanic Personal Safety

January 15, 9am-3pm


Journeying Circle

February 3 & 17, 7pm-8:30pm

Basic Animal Communication

February 12 & 13