Welcome to the February Newsletter

On The Farm

Snow days are special. They release us from our usual obligations and force us to slow down, maybe even take a break from our busy lives. I look forward to them, enjoying the peace, stillness and beauty of everything covered in snow. As I write this, we anticipate we’ll get to 10” of snow (drifting 14”) by tomorrow. I feel very cozy inside.

From my tiny house office, which, by the way is doing very well even in sub-zero temperatures, I have a view of the front pasture and the bird feeders that we installed on the east side. Cardinals, nuthatches, pileated woodpeckers, and purple finches among others. A rabbit family lives under my office, ready to eat and stash the peanuts and dried corn on the cobs. Lots of built-in entertainment, and I love the energy these animals bring.

This winter, enjoy the beauty of your area. Get out in nature and let it speak to you. Allow your inner child to come out to play in the snow! If you have sunshine and warmth where you are, imagine what you’re missing!

Announcing New Healing Services

If you have had really low energy levels, depression, cravings, lots of cranky, or can’t seem to ground or focus, I am pleased to offer some new services that may help. Last year, I learned to do Curse unraveling and Compassionate Depossession. For myself, this work did wonders when I was the client. As a practitioner, I can help you either in person or remotely if you would like to try a spiritual approach to “spring cleaning”. These services will help you become more clear, more focused and energized to move forward in your life in a gentle, strong way. Learn more on the video.

Scholarship Fund

Much thanks goes to those of you who have donated to the scholarship fund. The donations helped to support students of all ages, from all over the world, from different backgrounds and occupations who want to be of service to animals.

Zeppo is a class favorite, whose person is an assistant instructor. Rescued 14 years ago as a feral kitten, Zeppo has encountered a number of traumas, including severe facial injury at 2 years old, and three subsequent surgeries to help him heal. Over the past several years, students in Shamanic Healing for Animals and Shamanic Animal Communication have connected with Zeppo in class and helped to heal his physical trauma, digestive scar tissue and his fear of loud noises like thunder. His person has received information directly from Zeppo about his arthritis issues and how to help his pain. Other students have worked with his spiritual trauma, doing soul retrieval and helping Zeppo to feel more confident and emotionally strong, restoring his personal power.

If you have had a good experience with animal communication through Judy or one of her referred colleagues trained by her, or good results from a shamanic healing for your animal beloved or yourself, consider expressing your appreciation through a donation to the scholarship fund to keep a good thing going. Contributions may be made on the website home page—click on the donations button at the bottom of the page.

Something that you may not be aware of, is that if financial struggles are keeping you from a communication with your animal or from a shamanic healing for your animal through our services, you can contact Judy and volunteer you and your animal for student communication in class or as a patient for shamanic healing by students at no charge. This also applies to any rescues you may encounter. info@judyramsey.net.

The Bookshelf

At this time of year, I have so many clients whose animals, as well as people, are departing this lifetime. I have had years of training and experience in attending death for both humans and animals, and I never tire of experiencing the miracles that come with that process.

There are several resources available through Heart to Heart, including hospice communication for your animal friends, shamanic psychopomp ceremony which prepares both animals and humans for a good death/departure, and hospice support for you as a caregiver before and after the death.

One of the best resources for self-support is GOING HOME: Finding Peace When Pets Die, by Jon Katz. Katz has many practical suggestions that apply equally to animals and to people. This is a good reference for how to hold a good presence with those who are dying, as well as how to support yourself in the process.

The best advice that I give all my clients is not to go into anticipatory grief. If you do, you may miss the beautiful miracles that happen at the end.