Flower Essence Treatments

A Centuries Old Healing Form to Support Your Care

Flower essences, used for centuries of healing, are homeopathic remedies produced from plants to provide gentle, energetic stimulation to support the body’s own healing processes. Healing essences may also be derived from minerals or from any form of energy, such as a body of water, minerals, or a sacred place. The essence is then preserved in a solution of alcohol (brandy is common) or glycerin, or is applied to small sugar pellets to be taken orally.

Each essence carries the specific healing property of the plant, mineral or energy source from which it was made. These healing properties have been discovered and researched over centuries by practitioners of plant medicine all over the world. In ancient times, the practitioner would most often consult the plant itself to determine if the energy of the plant was appropriate for the energy of the patient and their condition.


Flower essences can be used either directly with an animal or as a distance healing modality. After your communication session, I may recommend essences which can be used directly to support you and your animal friend during the stresses caused by the target issue we discussed. When flower essences are used directly, they work gently over a long period of time and are used daily/weekly, depending on the issue and its severity.


I also offer distance healing through "map dowsing". Using a photo of the animal's full body, I ask the animal to show me the points on the body which need treatment. These points, as indicated by a pendulum’s motion, will form the area for healing (the "map"). I then dowse to determine which essences that animal needs and how many drops each point will receive. A blessing is channeled intuitively for that animal and that unique treatment. The blessing is repeated with each round of drops applied to the "map" of the animal. When the treatment is complete, you receive an email report of the areas treated, the essences used, and the blessing that was channeled. MP3s of the communications for pre- and post-treatment are also sent.


The first important point to make is that flower essence treatments do not replace good veterinary care. They support it. The second important point is that the treatment may not be a one-visit wonder. The essences work over time. Depending on the situation, you may see results in 1-3 sessions. Monthly treatments are used in severe, chronic, long-term cases.

You might want a flower essence treatment if your animal friend is experiencing:

  • Situational anxiety - veterinary visits, separation

  • Emergency or crisis - trauma

  • Long term issues - PTSD, chronic pain

  • Hospice

  • Symptom relief - short-term pain, allergies


 There are several sources I depend upon, and even more are available online. Any health food store carries Bach Flower Essences both in pellet and liquid form. The best for animals is preserved in glycerin and has a paw print on the bottle. The most common of these essences is Rescue Remedy, a combination essence that is very useful for calming and pain relief. Arnica is a single essence remedy for pain and is commonly available in sugar pill form.

I use the Flower Essence Society for many of my remedies. This resource has good descriptions and prices for its inventory. Others include Desert Alchemy, Alaskan Flower Essence Project, and Perelandra Nature Essences. Much of my distance work is done with Great Lakes Sacred Essences, produced locally to me in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

FEES: $110

Combine Shamanic Healing with Flower Essence for a savings of $20