Welcome to the April Newsletter

On The Farm

Spring has FINALLY sprung! As is typical in Michigan, we get teased with one nice day at 55 degrees, then several days of cold, wet rain/snow mix with nighttime temps below freezing. Typically, we have cloud cover from October until March, so ANY sunshine is like a miracle. No coats and shorts on some people at 65 degrees!

       The first flowers are like little miracles—daffodils, Siberian squills, lenten rose, crocus. The buds of the magnolia tree and the little weeping cherry tree are asking only for a few more days above freezing and they’ll pop. They have been protected all winter with their hard sheaths, like our down jackets, and we’re ALL ready to shed our coverings.

       I was thinking of spring in Ukraine—I was an exchange student there and had friends in Kiev. In this time of terrible war on people I kept close to my heart, it’s important to have these little flower miracles to remind us of life. So many flowers I remember in Kiev. They will bloom again.

Bon Voyage!

Taking a spring break or vacation this summer and leaving your beloved pet behind? Here are a few tips for your pet caregiver so you can rest easy while you travel.

Scholarship Fund

BIG HUGS, and thanks to those of you who have donated to the scholarship fund. This is an ongoing fund that assists students who need monetary support to take animal communication or shamanic healing classes for either humans or animals. So many animals have been helped with these funds, and will continue to be helped as more people are trained to do so.

       I have added an opportunity. As I expand my own skills in shamanic healing, I need to do practice sessions to build and refine my expertise. I’m an advanced practitioner who has been practicing professionally for 8 years (voluntarily for 15 years), so practice subjects are in good hands.

       At present, I am offering a limited number of curse unraveling and compassionate depossession sessions to clients without charge, so I can practice my skills and knowledge. These are working out VERY well for both of us. Clients are experiencing amazing results and then donating an amount (up to them) to the scholarship fund to pay it forward.

       If you are interested in being on a list of practice subjects, just email me at info@judyramsey.net. I will contact you as practice clients are needed for whatever I’m exploring at that time—you always have a choice to decline.

The Bookshelf

When I picked up a copy of Orion magazine, I knew I had found a treasure. The first issue of the Orion Nature Quarterly was published in June 1982, and in its editorial George Russell, the publication’s first Editor-in-Chief, boldly stated Orion’s values:

“It is Orion’s fundamental conviction that humans are morally responsible for the world in which we live, and that the individual comes to sense this responsibility as he or she develops a personal bond with nature.”

       With no ads in the copy, Orion is a non-profit organization, funded about 70% through donations and subscriptions. Through writing and art that explore the connection between nature and culture, Orion inspires new thinking about how humanity might live on Earth justly, sustainably and joyously.

       In the 1990’s, the Orion Society was founded to conduct additional programming, like the Environmental Writer’s Workshop with the Omega Institute, online workshops and discussions among leading proponents of environmental issues, and publishing books and collections of the magazine’s best articles. This programming was created to expand the magazine’s message to a wider audience and to encourage action by individuals to put into practice the ideas that Orion addressed.

       More information about the magazine, events and subscriptions may be found at orionmagazine.org.

Upcoming Classes

Registrations are here. Once registered, a Zoom invitation will be sent to register to receive the meeting i.d. and passcode. If you have difficulty with either registration, please contact Judy at info@judyramsey.net. All classes and journey circles are recorded for your convenience.


April 23 & 24, 2022

Ancestors: The Power Within.

Healing our ancestral lines can help us heal ourselves and the full connection we have with our world, including our families. Ancestors can be powerful allies in the shamanic process. Explore your spiritual heritage and deepen your connection with the grandmothers and grandfathers in ceremony, in initiation and in the shamanic journey.

Prerequisite: basic journeying skills.

         9am-4pm each day EDT



May 5 & 19, 2022

         Journeying Circle—Shamanic journeying

         7pm-8:30pm EDT



May 21-22, 2022

         Extraction: Illness & Healing From a Shamanic Perspective.

This is an advanced in-person class with a limit of 6 persons.

Deepen your understanding of illness and how one’s spirit can help the physical body thrive or not. From a shamanic perspective, there are three causes of illness: loss of power, loss of soul essence, and intrusions. We will focus on power loss and extraction of intrusions. Explore different ways to “diagnose” an illness as well as to address its healing. Working with partners, deepen your understanding of spiritual intrusions and learn ways to extract them.

Prerequisites: Basic Journeying, Medicine For the Earth/Healing With Spiritual Light.

Suggested Reading: Walking In Light by Sandra Ingerman.

            9am-5pm EDT each day

Cost for repeating students is only $75.

The ZOOM version of this class is limited to 4 persons and will be held June 18 & 19, 2022.


June 2 & 16, 2022

         Journeying Circle—Shamanic journeying

         7pm-8:30pm EDT



June 7-July 12, 2022

Shamanic Healing for Animals II.

Deepen shamanic healing skills for animals within the context of their ancestors and the elements. Psychopomp with animals will be covered in depth.

Pre-requisite: Shamanic Healing for Animals I.

            7pm-9pm EDT

            Cost is $240, $100 for repeating students.
